Marines demonstrate against Code Pink

Today I attended a demonstration of Marine veterans against Code Pink, held in front of the  group's headquarters, on Solano Avenue in Albany, CA, just over the city line from Berkeley. Needless to say, it was quite a sight, and I took a few pictures, which more or less speak for themselves.

The mood was ultra-calm. A cop I spoke to was mellow as he confirmed there were no incidents. The Code Pinkos were absent, but left a couple of signs (see below)

US Marines Forever

Code Pink does not relish having to face critics. They prefer to yell and disrupt hearings, but are not interested in real communcation face to face with people who disagree.


But there is a bulletin board in front, so a few members of the Marine community added a bit of diversity to the messages.

yeah, right

God bless all who serve or have ever served in the United States Marine Corps.

Semper FiMarine Corps Builds Men
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