Give Generously to The American Thinker

My association with American Thinker began more than three  years ago when, as someone who decided at mid-life to change careers and try to write for a living, I saw an opportunity to promote my writing on a respected conservative website and submitted a piece for publication.

Little did I know that a very rewarding and productive relationship would result from that submission.

Through the years, AT Editor in Chief Tom Lifson has been a combination mentor, muse, and friend. I don't think I would be writing today and making a living as a writer if Tom Lifson hadn't  encouraged me, needled me at times, and been a sounding board for my ideas.

Now as Associate Editor, I have a somewhat more personal stake in this enterprise. So I would like to ask that you give generously to our fund raising efforts. The money we bring in will be used to make this site an even more valuable resource for news, information, and the examination of provocative ideas.

Our reputation has grown considerably on both the internet and with the mainstream press. We have also become something of a target for the left because of our strong stand in defense of the state of Israel as well as our bedrock conservative ideals to which many of our contributors adhere. We welcome the scrutiny and savor the debate. And you can be sure that we'll give both our critics and supporters something to think about everyday we go to press.

Again, thank you for your past support of this site and its authors. Please give generously so that we can continue to grow and become an even larger positive force for the conservative movement in the future. You can pay by using this secure credit card donation service via PayPal. Or you can send a check to:

American Thinker
6331 Fairmount Ave., #365
El Cerrito, CA 94530

Thank you for your continued support of American Thinker.

Rick Moran
Associate Editor

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