Hillary supporters to demonstrate at DNC meeting

"Count every vote" is a very familiar war cry among Democrats. That cry is set to be heard this Saturday in Washington, DC, when the Democratic National Committee Rules Committee meets at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in tony Northwest Washington.

Here is the message from the Hillaryresponders site

....the DNC Rules Committee is meeting that day to make a determination with respect to MI and FL and we think it is essential to convene in Washington to support our cherished democratic principles, help enfranchise MI and FL and to show that Hillary has equally high numbers of passionate, devoted supporters who believe fervently that she will be the better general candidate and best president. 

Our purpose is not to divide the party or attack the DNC or Senator Obama.  At the same time, Hillary's strong support cannot be dismissed in DNC efforts to unify the party. [bolding in original]

An interesting test for media bias: how much coverage will this demonstration receive?
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