Leftist critique of Obama

In a telling article, a black leftist intellectual Ivy League professor, Adolph Reed Jr., writing in far left magazine, The Progressive, slams Obama and explains why he is unfit for the presidency. Why, you might ask, would this man, who would seemingly form the base of Obama's cult, see through him? He's knownObama  his entire political career.

One excerpt of this great read:

"...as many Progressive readers may know, I'm hardly a Clinton fan. I'm on record in last November's issue as saying that I'd rather sit out the election entirely than vote for either her or Obama. At this point, though, I've decided that she's the lesser evil in the Democratic race, for the following reasons: 1) Obama's empty claims to being a candidate of progressive change and to embodying a "movement" that exists only as a brand will dissolve into disillusionment in either a failed campaign against McCain or an Obama Presidency that continues the politics he's practiced his entire career; 2) his horribly opportunistic approach to the issues bearing on inequality-in which he tosses behaviorist rhetoric to the right and little more than calls to celebrate his success to blacks-stands to pollute debate about racial injustice whether he wins or loses the Presidency; 3) he can't beat McCain in November.

Historically, the Dems should roll in November; but they won't as, once again (like 1988 and 2004 in particular) they've nominated a far left candidate who is totally out of touch with America. Personally, I'll "double down" on Bush's foreign policy anyday, Barry.

BTW, "shocker" but Billionaires like Warren Buffett, want Obama. The GOP has NOT been the Party of the Rich since I was in elementary school.
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