Matthews: Whites Seeking 'Permission' to Vote Against Obama

During yesterday's installment of his Hillary Must Go Show, Chris Matthews smugly suggested that white people are just itching for any excuse not to vote for Barack Obama.  The haughty Hardball host is no stranger to racial swordplay -- but Wednesday's declaration by Hillary that Obama can't deliver the white votes needed to defeat McCain appears to have shifted him into PC overdrive.

After a back and forth with Clinton communication director Howard Wolfson in which he mocked Hillary's comments about "working white Americans" with almost every breath, Matthews rolled out David Bonoir.  The former Edwards campaign manager barely began explaining his recent affliction with Obamamania when Matthews swayed the subject back to Hillary, and why she dared continue her irreverent challenge to providence.

Well, began Bonoir: She's a fighter. She's got a following. But eventually she'll ......

Snapped Matthews:

"Are you worried that she's giving white voters a permission slip to vote against an African-American candidate the longer she's in the race?"

A permission slip?  As in a written proxy a parent conveys to another grown-up via and empowering an underage progeny?  Is that how Chris sees white Americans -- as juveniles awaiting adult authorization prior to action?  Who seek sanction to vote their own political choice rather than the trendy politically correct cause du jour?  The way an employer might seek an Affirmative Action waver?

And just who the hell is this sanctimonious blow-hard to dare suggest any such approval necessary to vote against a black man?  Does he really believe than any but the most hopelessly intoxicated by loony liberal libation see electing a black president as some strange sacrament for the centuries past sin of slavery?  Or that racism alone must explain a white person's electoral victory over one of color?

Perhaps the pontificating Matthews would be good enough to clarify why 9 out of 10 blacks voting for Obama in Tuesday's North Carolina Primary was just dandy while 6 out of 10 whites not doing so reeks of racism.

Watching the media swoon over their anointed one has been distasteful enough of late.  And what they've done to Hillary, whose station as the PC candidate was all but "inevitable" until the smooth young black senator came along, is truly a wonder to behold.

Of course, seeing Matthews ladling out portions of pompous political propriety to his guests and viewers every night since Super Tuesday has been particularly stomach-turning.
But last night, sporting his mysterious new Richie Cunningham coiffeur, the man attained a new level of opprobrium when he turned the very gray process of candidate preference into a simple matter of black or white.

And then pronounced the only civilized choice.
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