NJ Wants to tax Fast Food

You can expect more of this as the health nazis gain more and more power.

The sputtering economy has caused an increase in prices of many staples including gasoline, rice, ice cream, even beer. Now some lawmakers in New Jersey are considering taking food taxes a step further and install a proverbial "sin" tax on fast food.

Yes, the idea of marking up your favorite fast food burger or pack of fries is actually being tossed around, and it's not settling well with many residents.

"They're taxing everything. Now you're gonna tax fast food? That's crazy," said Newark resident Miriam Robertson.

Added Livingston resident Tina Abrahamian: "No one wants to be taxed. I mean, it's a necessity to eat and people need to eat and with everything skyrocketing, that's the last thing we want to tax."

The thought of taxing a Big Mac or a Wendy's burger came up at a New Jersey Hospital Association meeting where Gov. Jon S. Corzine was asked if it could be an option to help fund struggling hospitals. At the meeting, he reportedly called it a "constructive suggestion."

Perhaps we can come up with other taxes that might interest those New Jersey Democrats. We haven't had a tax on matches or lighters, for instance. And just what do those items do but ignite cigarrettes? How about taxing chocolate? Just think of the lives saved!

Maybe the state could go the full monty and regulate how much food a person is allowed a day? That appears where we're heading with this nanny statism. Better yet, spy cameras in grocery stores to make sure we buy only food that's good for us.


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