With Hillary, follow the money, Dick

In his May 8th column, Dick Morris, who knows the Clintons well, has put forth reasons as to why Hillary won't quit the race. One is the Clintons' sense of entitlement, fueled by an overweening arrogance and disregard for the rules of fair play. Another is their past experience that has proved to them that hanging tough pays off, as demonstrated by their many past escapes from scandals that might have seen lesser mortals serving hard time.

Although Morris mentions that the Clintons don't easily part with their money, and that Hillary has personally invested millions in the campaign, he doesn't follow through to the logical reason why. As the pundits say, follow the money, Dick. Bill Clinton may be the most charismatic ex-president out there making speeches round the world and commanding unprecedented fees for doing so but does anyone really think all that money is being paid solely for Bill's charm? Do you think that Bill is globetrotting with business magnates and cutting deals with central Asian strongmen purely because of his personal magnetism?

Sure some of Bill's power and influence derives from the prestige of being a former president and no doubt that is enhanced by his likeability. But I'm willing to bet that it has been the belief by so many powerful business and political leaders around the world that his wife was ordained to be the next American president that has given Bill far more heft in geopolitics and geo-finance than other ex-presidents, not to mention adding zeros to those huge speaking fees. Imagine all those geo-potentates sitting across the negotiating table from Bill, sipping tea and thinking, "I'm dealing with an ex-American president who's married to the next American president." Has there ever been a go-between who carried that kind of weight or who could command those kinds of fees?

For that matter, has America ever faced an inauguration day where the First Spouse is already in the pocket of so many tycoons and foreign powerbrokers? Yes, it would be unseemly, perhaps even unlawful, for Bill to continue such activities with his wife sitting in the Oval Office. But then Bill has already shown the world his contempt for the sanctity of that seat of power and history shows that neither of the Clintons has ever been shy about skirting the law if doing so benefits them politically or financially. And with Hillary finally coronated and ensconced in her rightful place, you can bet the emphasis, particularly for Bill, would be on the financially.

Follow the money, Dick.
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