Another first for W

If Hillary Clinton made "18 million" cracks in the glass ceiling during her campaign for the presidency, how much glass has George W. Bush shattered during his administration?

The latest ceiling that has come crashing down is in the military. According to this 
 report, the president has nominated the first woman for promotion to four-star general. Lt. Gen. Ann Dunwoody has been nominated to be head of the Army Material Command. Wags will point out that this position is responsible for outfitting the army, and isn't a woman just perfect for that? But women have traditionally not been up for four stars because they do not participate in combat. It would be easy to keep that tradition going, but the president seems to think Lt. Gen. Dunwoody is up to the job and the honor.

Lt. Gen. Dunwoody is just the latest in a long line of truly significant appointments during the last six years - first black Secretary of State, first black female Secretary of State, first Hispanic AG, first Cuban-born Cabinet appointee, first, first, first.

Another day, another barrier obliterated by the Bush administration -- not to mention all of the women in the Middle East liberated by the policies and steadfastness of George W. Bush. Golly, what a terrible president he has been for "change."
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