Has an American hero come out as a Republican?

In the movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the Nazi enemies of Dr. Jones have been replaced by Soviet communists. The villainess is an icy woman with an accent so far over the top that we expect her to say, "Moose and Squirrel." Indy's opponents, Nazi or communist, all want their socialist State to control the world. When Dr. Jones is captured by Soviets, his cry of defiance is "I LIKE IKE."

The movie takes place in 1957, the beginning of Dwight Eisenhower's second term. In 1956 Adlai Stevenson of Illinois was considered a superior orator, popular with a core of liberal Democrats. Along with his supporters Stevenson campaigned for big increases in social programs. While Dr. Jones was held hostage by the Soviets, Stevenson supported negotiations with the same Soviet Union to reduce arms.

As in 2008, some tried to make an issue of the Eisenhower's age and health. In 1955 the president had suffered a serious heart attack, and would be 71 at the end of his second term. (John McCain, another war hero, is 71.) Despite his younger opponent, Eisenhower won a huge majority of the female vote.

Indiana Jones is played by an actor nearly the same age as Eisenhower in 1957, and manages to defeat his younger opponents.

The producer, writer and actor who created Indiana Jones may, for all that is known, be liberal and Democrats. After 4 movies, their creation has gained a mind of his own. Indiana Jones symbolises adventure, courage and a willingness to confront opposition. The values of Indiana Jones led him to vote Republican. In 2008 a silver-haired war hero faces a fine orator, a younger man from Illinois.

For whom would Dr. Jones vote?
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