Kyle-Anne Shiver on air

Kyle-Anne Shiver will appear on the nationally syndicated Laura Ingraham Show today with guest host Monica Crowley. If your local station carries the show live, Kyle will be on at 11:30 AM EDT. Check your local affiliate for time of broadcast in your area.

Update: This is from Laura Ingraham's website:

Reports are circulating in the press that I "took a leave of absence" or walked out on my radio show. As I wrote in this space earlier this week, that is false. The decision to remove the Laura Ingraham Show from the airwaves was made unilaterally by
Talk Radio Network as a tactic in contract negotiations, against my will and over my protest. Additionally, any notion that I am leaving radio is also completely false. After all my years on the air, you know that I would never voluntarily abandon you during such a critical time for our country.

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