Malignant McClellanonoma

George W. Bush has been accused of almost every transgression attributable to an American president. But one of his most glaring mistakes, as demonstrated by the current cancerous lesion on his backside, Scott McClellan, is Dubya's character flaw of being loyal to a fault to those whom he picked to serve with him and his consequent failure to guard his political health from their treacheries.

Scott McClellan, who made so many of us cringe and wonder, "Why doesn't Dubya dump that stammering, inarticulate dipwad?" is now trying to exact revenge for the fact that someone in the Bush administration finally overrode George's misplaced, one-sided sense of loyalty and, in fact, did dump the stuttering, clueless dumpling. Most of us questioned how this bumbler could have so long adhered to Dubya's backside like a suspicious, questionable growth. Scott was an aberrant political neoplasm that should have attracted the professional interest of any political dermatologist. Add to the questionable existence of this out-of-place, metamorphosing mole the fact that Dubya supported Rick Perry in the Texas governor's race against McClellan's mother and you've got a potential, major malignancy with accelerated metastasis going here.

Well, the color change of this lesion is now abundantly evident to the entire world, going from Texas Red to New York Blue and the diagnosis is indeed that this wart on George's rump is indeed malignant. Democrats and the mainstream media (a redundancy, I know) are praying fervently that it will metastasize and are doing their best to create a favorable environment for that to happen. While true cancer is entirely arbitrary and unfathomable in those it would destroy without reason, these suddenly mushrooming political malignancies like media-accelerated McClellanoma do seem to have a sense of purpose in that they seek to take a particular delight in destroying the host body which had long offered them sanctuary.

In McClellan's particular case however, that bio-political path seems to have become secondary to the true intent of piling up the big bucks through endless media interviews leading to bigger book sales. Ironic isn't it that the mainstream media that once mocked poor stuttering Scotty and made him look small, unprofessional and incompetent, have now come to praise him uncritically and have thrown their full weight behind his patricidal attempts to destroy the very man who nourished him and made possible the forum he now enjoys. Predictably, they seem to bend over backwards to make this former Texas bumpkin seem amazingly articulate and incisive now that his cutting words cut their way.

None of us know from where cancer may come or when it will strike. But a political organization is like a family and the genetic twists and sworls within are every bit as complex as those that make us the beings that we are. We all live with that fear of being stricken without warning; regrettably, most fearful of all is the suspicion that the killing disease may come from someone or some thing we have loved and trusted the most.

For George W. Bush, this McClellanoma is hurtful, painful and dispiriting, but it should not be personally fatal. It could be dispelled and cured with a simple remedy: truth. Unfortunately, the means of delivery of that cancer-killing truth is unavailable for now. Like an unrelenting and ultimately self-destructive, auto-immune disease, that delivery method, the mainstream media, just like Scott McClellan, is seemingly intent on killing the very host, America, which allows it to exist unfettered. Sadly, the media is a far more insidious, systemic cancer than the pudgy bumbler from Texas, one that eats away from within, destroying our inner strengths and will to survive, far more malignant and deadly than a mere, dark wart like McClellanoma.
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