McCain 1 - Obama 0 in Foreign Policy Debate

From "Page Six," we get the news that there was a debate in Canada between surrogates for Obama and McCain on foreign policy:

IF only John McCain could use surrogates instead of having to debate Barack Obama in person. The other day in Toronto, McCain's team, his foreign-policy adviser Niall Ferguson and conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer, crushed the Obama squad - Samantha Power, who had to step down from his campaign after calling Hillary Clinton 'a monster,' and Richard Holbrooke, who was Bill Clinton's UN ambassador. Before the debate, only 21 percent of the audience agreed with the motion that 'the world is a safer place with a Republican in the White House.' Two hours later, the mostly liberal, anti-George Bush crowd had a profound change of heart: 43 percent ended up voting for the motion. 'Was it simply that Power was the weakest of the speakers on the stage?' columnist Shinan Govani wondered. 'Or did it point to a weakness in the Obama brand?' Power, a Pulitzer-winning Harvard professor, left 'shocked and visibly downbeat,' Govani reports. 'What happened?' she was heard asking.

Here's a link to the audio of the session.

The Canadians - liberal or otherwise - are a people noted for their common sense. Could it simply be that McCain's ideas make more sense than Obama's - so much so that even a liberal crowd "gets it?"

One wonders if McCain gets any kind of a fair hearing in the press will Obama's contradictory and dangerous foreign policy ideas come off the same way? We can only hope so.

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

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