Obama Channels Tz'u-hsi

Tz'u-hsi ,the dowager empress of China, took sadistic delight in discomfitting those around her. She's often walk in her gardens surrounded by her many ladies in waiting with retainers bringing endless dishes to be sampled. Many of these dishes were days old and crawling with maggots, and the empress offered these to her ladies who were forced to eat them while pretending they enjoyed the high honor of being singled out to share her food.

I thought of this when I read that Obama has announced that Patti Solis Doyle will be joining his entourage and she will be the chief of staff of whoever he names as his vice presidential nominee.

Doyle, as you will recall was Hillary's campaign manager and was bounced rather unceremoniously from her campaign after a series of losses. Reportedly they haven't spoken to each other since her firing.

It seems to me Obama is saying Hillary will not be his nominee, but if he is forced to take her he will control her staffing and surround her with enemies loyal only to him.
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