Obama's Idea of 'New Politics'

Barack Obama has inspired millions with his call for an end to divisiveness and partisanship in order to address our problems. He calls this approach the "new politics" of hope and change.

Funny. He appears to be practicing the old politics of "
cut and slash:"


Barack Obama is warning supporters that the general election fight between him and John McCain may get ugly, but the Illinois senator is vowing not to back down.

"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," Obama said at a fundraiser in Philadelphia Friday, according to pool reports.

"We don't have a choice but to win," Obama said, joking that he has heard "folks in Philly like a good brawl. I've seen Eagles games."

Obama again said that the GOP will make try to make him look "scary" to voters

Obama pledging to swing back at the GOP drew much applause from the crowd.

Republican National Committee spokesman Alex Conant said Obama's rhetoric abandons Obama's campaign themes of hope and change.

"In the last 24 hours, he's completely abandoned his campaign's call for ‘new politics', equating the election to a ‘brawl' and promising to ‘bring a gun,'" Conant said.

And yet, millions of his slavishly devoted supporters will insist that Obama is a different kind of politician who will bring America peace and tranquility.

This has been a constant whine by the left the last two election cycles; that Republicans are meanies while Democrats are pussy cats. How people can lie to themselves with such breathtaking stupidty is unbelievbable.

Calling the president of the United States a liar back in 2004 isn't dirty politics to them - because they say its true. Saying that Bush was Hitler and trying to set up a dictatorship wasn't tough politics - it was fact. Calling Republicans racists isn't hitting below the belt - it's self evident.

Every single dirty, slimy, lie that the left tried to foist on the American people about Republicans is not playing the game unfairly because Democrats don't do that. They are above that sort of thing. All they do is tell the truth - like when they accuse Republicans of wanting to murder old people by taking their social security away and kill babies by "cutting" benefits. 

The left wants Obama to play the game the way they play it on the internet - hysterically over the top charges of wrongdoing by Republicans coupled with dark intimations of evil. 

Oh I hope Obama plays it that way. But he won't. All he'll do is cry "racism" every time Republicans try to make him seem "scary."

And why not? Obama will place himself above and beyond criticism by playing the race card early and often. "Scary black man" will be heard constantly when the GOP tries to point out that Obama's past radical associations have yet to be examined or explained. It's the only way Obama can counter his problematic past - to cut off discussion of it.

And trying to paint Obama as weak-willed liberal will meet with equally racist tactics as every utterance of the candidate will be seen in this "post partisan" light and that those who oppose Obama might as well be opposing the rising of the sun. They will be branded as racist and shamed into voting for him. That's the value of running a black man for president. He can play the race card as often as he wishes and the press will go along with it. They did it to defeat Hillary Clinton and they will do it to try and defeat John McCain.

And the helluva it is, it's a sound tactic. Whether it works or not depends on how willing McCain is to get into the muck and call him out on it. My guess is McCain will be reluctant, having promised a "clean campaign."

He can take that "clean campaign" all the way to defeat in November if he's not careful.



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