What is SecState Rice up to?

Judith Apter Klinghoffer raises  that disturbing question at History News Network:

If President Bush made Condi Rice a secretary of state in the hope that she can tame Foggy Bottom, he over estimated her. She is now as house broken as has predecessor has been. Either that or race is thicker than water. How else can one explain her hand in floating the trial balloon that the US considers opening interests section in Iran that would be 1st diplomatic post in 3 decades in the middle of the election season. [snip]

Let us not forget that Obama advocates a change in the accepted US policy with Iran. He advocates direct negotiations without any preconditions. McCain rejects the idea as do many Democrats.

What does Rice do? She takes the sting out of Obama's discredited notion by suggesting that it is time the US entrust a new group of American diplomats to Iran's tender mercies. Just an idea, her people say. Nothing imminent. It is designed to help Iranians get American visas. Why? To make sure they do not get annoyed at the clerics for blocking their access to American visas. A more self defeating policy has yet to get invented.

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