Your America

I exchanged pleasantries with the owner of my neighborhood produce stand while purchasing her fresh tomatoes, onions and world's sweetest watermelon. Feeling the folks in line behind me getting annoyed at the post office, I politely cut off the postmaster telling me about the latest piece of furniture he built in his wood shop. It occurred to me, this is the wonderful world I've created for myself. Be good to people and they're usually good to you.

Agenda driven politicians and media have created a negative world view of America. To them, America's glass is forever half empty. I see our glass well over half full.

Rather than focusing on the time an idiot attacked me in a restaurant for being with my white wife, I choose to focus on the overwhelming love and generosity the American people showered on the victims of hurricane Katrina. When I was a young black kid fresh out of art college, a white businessman gave me prime office space to start my own business. There are countless random acts of kindness between the races never reported on the evening news.

Why some folks choose to see our great country, their home, as evil boggles my mind. While the America haters endure their miserable world, I'll keep enjoying mine. By the way, I know of an awesome produce stand. The watermelon is outstanding.

Lloyd Marcus
Deltona, FL
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