A Cat's Tale: Conservatism vs Liberalism

A stray cat had kittens in our yard. My wife attempted to barricade the kittens in a contained area to protect them from predators. Short of caging them, this proved impossible. The rambunctious kittens escaped my wife's protection to explore, wrestle and play.

With every fall, their climbing skills improved. Mama cat taught “gecko catching 101”. Soon the kittens were supplementing their breast milk with gecko snacks. Had my wife been successful in her intrusive attempts to protect them, the kittens' growth would have been stunted leaving them ill equipped to survive.

The kittens scenario illustrates the superiority and compassion of a conservative approach to life over liberal. Liberal politicians always promote lowering standards and intrusive protection programs which ultimately enslave people to government dependency.

For example, despite documented historical proof that speaking one national language is vital to economic success, liberals demand that America become more bilingual. They accuse anyone suggesting that immigrants learn English as being racist.

Conservatives joyfully lend a helping hand when needed. They reject the trap and demoralization of cradle to grave dependency.

My 80 year old black dad shined shoes as a child. On a good night, he earned as much as five dollars. Dad always gave his aunt, who raised him, a portion for board. He remembers purchasing an undershirt. Dad said he proudly bragged to his buddies, “I'm buying my own clothes now!” Dad was experiencing the joy and self esteem which comes from a conservative approach to life vs a liberal approach of receiving a welfare check.

Just as the kittens escaped my wife's crippling liberal protection, I challenge minorities to reject liberal crippling government dependency programs.
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