Americans are not a Stupid People - Just drill, baby

Want proof? Here's a Pew Survey on attitudes toward the energy crisis. Guess what action almost a majority of Americans favor to help bring down the cost of fuel?

Amid record gas prices, public support for greater energy exploration is spiking. Compared with just a few months ago, many more Americans are giving higher priority to more energy exploration, rather than more conservation. An increasing proportion also says that developing new sources of energy - rather than protecting the environment - is the more important national priority.

The latest nationwide survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted June 18-29 among 2,004 adults, also finds that half of Americans now support drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, up from 42% in February.

The public's changing energy priorities are most evident in the growing percentage that views increased energy exploration - including mining and drilling, as well as the construction of new power plants - as a more important priority for energy policy than increased conservation and regulation. Nearly half (47%) now rates energy exploration as the more important priority, up from 35% in February. The proportion saying it is more important to increase energy conservation and regulation has declined by 10 points (from 55% to 45%).

Just drill, baby.

McCain should be hitting this theme so hard the American people's teeth should rattle. It is the biggest and most important contrast between himself and Barack Obama and the Illinois Senator is on the wrong side of the argument.

Instead, he is letting the flim flam man off the hook by not calling Obama out on his "do with less and wait for cleaner technologies" plan that promises sky high energy prices as far into the future as we can see.

Yeah - but at least it will be "shared" pain. Thank you Senator Obama.

John McCain is starting this campaign in a hole as it is. An issue like this could generate some very positive momentum and put Senator Greenie on the defensive and keep him there until election day. The candidate on the defensive rarely wins American elections.

Perhaps someone should mention that to McCain.
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