Avert your eyes!

Certain precincts of the left are upset that conservative bloggers notice the creepy resemblance between Obama propaganda art and that of assorted demagogues. Now he is in Berlin, speaking at Hitler's favorite monument (moved to its location as the planned focal point of his reconfigured Berlin, to be re-named "Germania"). Teutonic Obama believers must be in charge of picking the poster art, and certain memories of poster art past are triggered by the latest Obama poster art, as noted  by blogger Dr. Melissa Clothier.

Clothier blog

But we are supposed to avert our eyes to all of this, or so the lefty bloggers demand.

Matthew Eglesias  of The Atlantic mutters about "guilt-by-association," and lamely offers a White House photo of Bush at a podium, seen from the side (as if this were comparable to a poster). But Eglesias apparently knows his left wing art, and sagely realizes that socialist realism seems to be a stronger artistic influence on Obama fans, at least in the United States.


Gawker joins the fray, snidely implying that to notice this is to claim that Obama is "just like Hitler."

Sorry, Gawker: this poster is another hilaious indicator of the clulessness and insensitivity of the Obama campaign. It deserves scrutiny, and is part of a larger pattern. Picking such a historically-loaded location was a gaffe, a second-choice in-haste error rsulting from the offensive (to the German government -- our ally) announcement to the press that the Brandenburg  Gate was to be the site of the political rally (a label the Obama believers now eschew).

Lenin posterAmerican Thinker has long noted the aesthetic affinity  of Obama true believers for left wingObama office Houston tyrants. No, we do not claim he is "just like" Che, or Lenin, or Mao, or Hitler. But we are creeped out that his supporters offer up this visual indicator of their mentality.

And we refuse to avert out eyes. This is akin to the "don't you dare make jokes about Obama" rule that some on the left would impose.  

Do not trust any political movement that seeks to foreclose criticism of and laughter at its charismatic leader and his bumbles.
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