Is Hillary back in the Veep Picture?

Not that she's ever completely left the scene, but Hillary's stock - already pretty low - had been sinking the last few weeks as other Democrats ascended the all important short list for Obama's Vice President.

Despite that, there are still many Democrats urging Obama to take her and by doing so, heal the party. Such was the reception both candidates received yesterday in a
joint appearance:

The Associated Press Wednesday reported Clinton flew to New York on Obama's campaign plane with Caroline Kennedy, who is running his vice-presidential search. Obama and Clinton appeared at a private fundraising dinner Wednesday night.

Clinton has also been mentioned as a possible cabinet member if Obama is elected.

Obama did not, however, address the vice presidential issue directly during his remarks today. But he did raise eyebrows by mentioning their names together as he asked Clinton's supporters for help.

"We will change the country and change the world. And you will give Sen. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama a chance to transform America once again, thank you," he said.

They were met with wild applause and enthusiasm - something that couldn't have been lost on the crowd conscious Obama folk.

Of course, Hillary's baggage has not disappeared - including her problem child husband who continues to make news with his out of control mouth. In the end, Obama and his people may think getting two for the price of one just isn't worth it.
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