Is Obama Having Trouble Raising Money?

No one would have thought it possible a few months ago when Obama was raking in $40 million a month. But all signs from the Obama campaign point to a significant slowdown in fundraising both on the web and from "bundlers."

Consider some previous months
totals for Obama: a high of $54.1 million in February to $40.2 million in March, to $30.1 million in April. And this was at the heighth of the primary campaign.

But in May, Obama was barely able to top McCain's total of $20.9 million with $21.1 million. And in June, McCain has announced a fundraising total of $22 million while we have yet to hear from the messiah as yet. 

Is it possible that McCain will outraise Obama for June?

Very possible. Obama is apparently having great difficulty getting Hillary Clinton's big fundraisers on board while his own whales are maxed out. Coupled with a big fall off in his online donations and the once vaunted Obama fundraising machine seems to have hit a snag. 

This would be bad enough but Obama is also trying to help Hillary retire her debt while promising to help the cash strapped Denver Convention Committee who are looking at a $10 million shortfall. 

Oh what a magnificent bit of irony it would be if Obama is forced to spend more time fundraising than campaigning in September and even October if his fortunes don't turn around soon. The man who flip flopped on public financing elections would end up scrambling for dollars while McCain sails on into the campaign season loaded for bear. He and the RNC have already come up with a $400 million budget for the campaign from all sources. Obama was supposed to have considerably more than that but now it appears that won't be the case.

Is it his flip flopping? Is it his move toward the center? Is it Hillary donors hanging back? Is it that the shine is off his apple and he's now seen as just another politician by most voters (if not the press and liberal elites)?

It is probably all of these things plus one more; an overestimation of his own abilities. This seems to be a common theme cropping up more and more as we go along and is typical of inexperienced candidates. 

We can only hope this trend continues.


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