No hearings on a massive bailout?

According to Rep. Culberson's Twitter, the House will be voting on the trillion $ bailout of Freddie and Fannie without any hearings -- and the bill is super porked up. Note these words from Sen Tom Coburn R-OK:

By historical standards, this is supposed to be the greatest deliberative body in the world. In the 110th Congress, 890 bills have passed–890. Fifty of them have had debate. Only 50 have had debate. And for most of those, the debate has been extremely limited and shortened through the power of the majority leader…

Disgusting. We are getting a taste of what an Obama Presidency and Democratic Party controlled Congress will be like. Talk about American held hostage....we will not only be hostage, but find ourselves standing before our ATM with men wearing power ties standing unnaturally close.

Question: why on earth would Bush sign this bill?
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