Something for the mullahs to ponder

The Jerusalem Post reports that sources in the Iraqi Defense Ministry told a local network that Israel's air force is flying into Iraqi air space and using US bases there. Iranian news agencies also cite the report. There's no way to know if this is true or propaganda from one side or another, but it's intriguing. Iran 's nuke facilities are far more vulnerable from Iraqi air space than they are from Tel Aviv.

The bases were no doubt built by Saddam in the first place partly as launching pads for attacks on his hated enemy Iran. In some cases the bases are only minutes away from Iranian nuclear targets. There would be a vast increase in the number of strikes Israel could launch, if it had access to such bases, and many other advantages as well. Needless to say, there would plenty of downsides in the possible reactions.

If the Iranians regard such rumors as credible, then they must upwardly calibrate the ability of the Israelis to succeed at an attack, as they contemplate their next steps.
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