Unfailing class

Making one's way across the country via airplane can be a hectic experience, what with long check-in lines, taking shoes on and off more times than during a visit to Foot Locker, trying to catch connecting flights, delays, sitting on the runway, and so forth.
But one great thing about hanging around airport concourses is the opportunity one has to greet and thank members of the United States military who are making their way to and from the battlefields of the war against jihad. Without exception - without exception - each man and woman wearing the uniform has not only returned the hand of friendship but have thanked me for thanking them while looking me right in the eyes with a sincerity that is inspiring. How much must these men and women have on their minds yet they thank me for merely shaking their hand and telling them how appreciative I am of their service to the nation? It is astonishing but, upon reflection, not at all surprising. The men and women who wear the uniform are some of the finest this country has to offer and it serves as a gentle reminder that we are the luckiest people in the world to have them not only represent us out there on the fields of struggle but - to be bluntly crude - kicking ass in our name as well.

While it is probably a redundant reminder to those who frequent this website, the next time you find yourself in an airport and you see a member of the U.S. military, shake their hand and thank them. Your heart will be warmed by their kindness and will swell with pride at the sort of people who defend us every day.
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