BBC to produce dramas in Hollywood

Looks like the BBC is going to set up shop in America, producing dramas. Could they be attracted by the prospect of an Obama presidency? Or maybe it is the high pound and low dollar? Given what a scary place we seem to Brits, they must be very brave.

The Hollywood Reporter writes  

The U.K.'s most influential drama executive could be headed to Los Angeles.

BBC drama chief Jane Tranter is in talks to move stateside and spearhead a new BBC Worldwide West Coast drama production division in the new year.

Tranter, the executive who brought "Doctor Who," "Life on Mars," "Spooks" and "Cranford" to BBC screens, is understood to be in discussion with BBC bosses over the move, which would put her atop a new stateside production arm that would likely run the BBC commercial division's drama and entertainment operations.

The BBC declined comment on the move beyond pointing to a statement earlier this summer when Tranter said she had "no immediate plans to go and work in the U.S."
I fully expect all those Hollywood critics of outsourcing production abroad to resolutely turn down British work being outsourced to America. No parts for economic lefties!

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