Biden Adds Comicus

If Dick Cheney added gravitas to George W. Bush's candidacy, Obama's limping selection of the irascible Senator Joe Biden of Delaware promises to be more likely to provide comicus, or comic relief.

With about 70 days left until Election Day, the Democrats are down to a shrinking group hard-core supporters:

1.) The Black Vote.  Sure, Obama continues to poll solidly amidst blacks.  But so does every other ordinary Democrat in every other election.  Any delusions the Republicans have of prying loose this constituency are purely hallucinatory.  Democrat candidates historically gather 85-90% of the black vote and they will do so again this election or slightly better.

2.) The Watermelon Vote.  Green on the outside and red on the inside, the so-called "Green" movement isn't so much pro-ecology as it is anti-capitalist.  According to these neo-Marxists, we can't drill our way out of our problems, we can't work our way out of our problems and we can't pray our way out of our problems.  Our only hope, according to the Greenies, is to elect confiscatory crackpots to balance our budget more squarely on the backs of the wealthy and industry. Once we have sucked them both dry,  America will resemble the withered Western European social democracies so admired by the Watermelons. 

3.) Academia and the cultural left.  The conclusion of the abandonment of the American education system to the leftists has arrived.  The call for mandatory pre-school by the Democrats is a transparent attempt to start the socialist indoctrination earlier.  Our grade schools already teach that littering is a mortal sin but sodomy is okey-dokey.  Teacher Unions are the strongest financial supporters of the Democrats outside the Soros-sphere.  In return for their slavish support, the Democrats continue to engineer legislation creating sinecures for every Ward Churchill, William Ayres and Angela Davis that comes along.  At the same time, Dems work feverishly to quash any attempt at establishment of competency requirements for teachers or mandated achievement requirements for schools. Dismantling this cultural anomaly should be the prime focus of the McCain Presidency.  In the meantime, Obama will garner the support of the intellectual descendants of those who supported Adlai Stevenson & Michael Dukakis.  While their wimpy voices are magnified by their allies in the mainstream media and the fact that they own a virtual monopoly on the podiums of America, this freakish constituency is a tiny fraction of the electorate.  They are rather easy to expose to the scorn the huge majority of the public holds for them.

4.) Almost Nobody else.  Except for the metrosexual vote and the infanticide faction of the abortion movcement, the Republicans have the remaining non-black male vote sewn up, and a good fraction of the females too. To use an old wrestling analogy, although Biden provides some of the testosterone Obama clearly lacks, most American men don't want to see Obama pinned to the mat and flailing desperately for his tag-team partner to come over the ropes and rescue us from Baron Von Putin and the Sheik.

After dissing Hillary without even pretending to vet her vice-presidential candidacy, Obama's support among women will plummet like a rock in a handkerchief.

Does anybody believe that "Say it Ain't So" Joe Biden can right this leaky vessel?  The Obama campaign's inept handling of what should have been delicate negotiations with the Clinton camp over the vice-presidential nomination now provides a free pass for Clintonian sabotage at the Convention.  Toss in whatever tricks Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos has in store and we should be provided with the comedy hit of the fall season.  Whatever else you say about him, you have to admit the Obamessiah has a sense of humor.
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