Cracks beginning to show in Obama's exterior

If you don't think Obama feels the pressure, check out his interview with the Las Vegas Sun's Jon Ralston:
"I thought I was talking to you instead of debating John McCain, but I am happy to let you serve as his proxy. The fact of the matter is that I supported that energy bill saying at the time that those tax breaks were wrong but also recognizing that this was the largest investment in alternative energy in history," Obama said.

Obama getting testy with a reporter whose only crime was mentioning that the candidate appeared to flip flop on drilling could mean that the pressure of the campaign is getting to him. There was no call to accuse the reporter of bias. The question is legitimate and the fact that the candidate's answer was vague and contradictory shows that Obama has a real problem with keeping his lies straight.

For fans of the Truth-O-Meter, meet Politifact's Flip-O-Meter, where
Obama earns a "full flop" for shifting on whether to tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

By forcing Obama's hand on drilling, McCain may be giving him troubles on the left. "If he does really get behind this new compromise in Congress, I think that would be a huge mistake," Mark Ferrulo, executive director of Progress Florida, tells McClatchy's Lesley Clark and Beth Reinhard. Margie Alt of Environment America said in a statement: "We are disappointed to see that Sen. Obama has expressed openness to compromise on offshore drilling and the health of our beaches."
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