Democrats and their losing position on energy

I was astounded to hear my North Carolina Congressman Heath Shuler pat himself and the Democrat Congress on the back today for standing up to the big oil interests and their obscene profits.  It was an ad the ran during Rush's show. The ad closed by asking voters to call him to show their support for his position and gave a local number. 

I couldn't get through so I don't know if the call led to another canned message or to an opportunity to actually tell Shuler that your ideas are about this Congress's lack of an energy policy.  I thought it a particularly odd tactic to take in a largely rural district in which so many voters have to make long trips to jobs, medical appointments and shopping. 

I like what the House Republicans are doing by refusing to go home.  If the RNCC has any sense, that one vote margin to go into recess should be used by a number of Congressional campaigns this fall.
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