Edwards, Rielle Hunter and Andrew Young

As the media continues to avert its eyes from the Edwards' scandal, bloggers continue to tell us interesting things about the Democrat's fair haired boy and what was going on in Edwards' camp under the radar. Stranahan reports:

Andrew Aldridge Young is the former Edwards campaign worker and assistant who has claimed to be the father of John Edward's mistress Rielle Hunter's baby. Young has a wife and three children. Dallas attorney and John Edwards supporter Fred Baron recently confirmed that he financed Young, his family, and Hunter's move to Santa Barbara, claiming to have financed the move and living expenses without the knowledge of Edwards. Young's name does not appear on the Hunter baby's birth certificate, which has kept open questions about whether Young is actually the father.

Now public records searches reveal a history of criminal charges and convictions that paint a potentially different picture of Young than that of a typical campaign worker. The records, published on the website WebOfDeception.com, appear to list over twenty different criminal offenses and a tax lien.

h/t: Patterico 

Lisa Druck (aka Rielle Hunter) seems to be the daughter of the late James Druck,    a man at the center of a scandal involving the murder of thoroughbred horses for the insurance money:   

Lisa (Ms Reill) was reputedly the protoype for a character by two different authors in their novels.
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