McCain veepstakes (updated)

Go here to see when Bobby Jindal is scheduled to speak at convention.  Isn't that interesting? 

Two possible scenarios:  Either Bobby's McCain's VP or it's a slap at Bobby because he declined McCain's offer and meant it.  I say "a slap" because, in my estimation, speaking after the VP would be rather anticlimactic, don't you think?  Besides, McCain doesn't take "no" lightly, if, in fact, Bobby did say no.  However, as I mentioned to you, before, Bobby's denials have been less than convincing, so...  Who knows?

Many of us in Louisiana can't shake the feeling he just might be the VP.  We hope we're dead wrong on that because we do need him here and he's young enough to have his cake and eat it, too.  Of late, however, he's been traveling the state conducting town hall meetings.  Buzz has it that the image repair trips are working.  In light of that, though, many "insiders" are wondering if the spate of town halls are what they seem or if they are a clue that Bobby is back in campaign mode.  Lt. Governor Democrat Mitch Landrieu seems awfully chipper, too, leading to more suspicion because Sista' Mary isn't doing so well in the polls

If McCain wins with Bobby as his VP, yes, we'll get Mitch Landrieu as our new governor.

Another point of interest:  Kay Bailey Hutchison's absence, regarding the speakers' roster, is very conspicuous.  This morning, on Fox and Friends, Howard Wolfson said that McCain has a golden opportunity to mix it up with his VP selection.  He mentioned McCain could do so by tapping a woman or some other interesting person.

Update: Judith Apter Klinghoffer urges "McCain Make History: Choose Hutchison".

Our cartoonist Ronny Gordon writes:

Being the shallow person that i am,and preoccupied by the way people look, having seen Jindal and McCain speak together a while back, I was struck by how "right" they seemed together.

When standing next to Romney, McCain is dwarfed to almost insignificance.

With Giuliani next to him, he seems inarticulate and uncharismatic by comparison.
Next to Jindal -- it's just as if it was meant to be. The Lone Ranger and Tonto. Batman and Robin.

Come to think of it, they will make a great cartoon as a pair....
come to think of it they will make a great cartoon as a pair...
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