Murtha's reckoning

Rep. John Murtha's disgrace in denouncing the Marines of the Haditha incident is not going to fade away gently into the night. William Russell, has returned from a tour of duty in the military and is running against him. His campaign has produced this video featuring Darryl Sharratt, the father of one of the Marines accused by Murtha of being a "cold-blooded killer." His son Justin Sharratt has subsequently been fully vindicated, and all charges dropped.

Darryl Sharratt's video does not have the produiction values of a normal campaign commercial, but in his own way, this father is eloquent in standing for his son. If the people of Murtha's district can see beyond the pork barrel politics he practices, he should be retired to his ample Congressional pension. The man is a disgrace to his office.

Hat tip: Blackfive, Alan Fraser
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