New Group targets GOP donors

Today's New York Times article begins:
Nearly 10,000 of the biggest donors to Republican candidates and causes across the country will probably receive a foreboding “warning” letter in the mail next week.
and goes on to describe a newly formed group composed of veteran Democratic activists who intend to run a campaign to try to intimidate GOP donors and chill their activities on behalf of Republican candidates.
The letters will be a mere first step with increasingly harsh attacks promised if the GOP supporters actually exercise their democratic rights-these steps include legal trouble, public exposure and watchdog groups that will "dig through their lives".
This group's donors-because of a loophole in the law regarding such 527 groups-will remain anonymous. Too bad. Given the Democratic operatives and activists at work in this group and that their goal is to boost the candidacy of Barack Obama can anyone doubt that Obama's biggest supporters are also behind this group? After all, George Soros is the single largest funder of such 527 groups and Soros was one of the earliest and most influential of Obama's supporters.
Barack Obama is supposed to be a new type of politician who lives on a higher plane than other politicians. He has denounced "old politics"-at least rhetorically when it suits his purpose- to deflect scrutiny of his record. John McCain denounced the Swift Boat campaign (and defended John Kerry from their criticism) and has warned 527 groups on the right that he rejects their support and has warned them to avoid untoward attacks against Barack Obama.
Will Obama now stand up and warn this group to avoid the psuedo-terror tactics that they seem primed to engage in over the next three months? Will he ask them to allow others to practice their free speech rights-free from worries about unfair attacks? He is a Democrat, after all. We do live in a Democracy. more notable aspect: the group proudly identifies two main targets: Sheldon Adelson and Mel Sembler - both of whom are Jewish and strong supporters of the American-Israel relationship (which George Soros wants to rupture)
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