New Poll Boosts McCain

The Quinnipiac Poll out today shows Obama leading McCain by just 5 points at 47-42. That compares to a 50-41 margin Obama led in the same poll last month.

The real significance is that by an astonishing 2-1 margin - 55-27 - the voters prefer McCain's ability to handle the Russians to Obama's:

In this latest survey, Democrats say 48 - 31 percent that Obama is better qualified to deal with Russia, while Sen. McCain is seen as better by Republicans 86 - 5 percent and independent voters 55 - 24 percent. In the presidential matchup,

McCain leads 46 - 41 percent among men, up from 47 - 44 percent July 15, and 48 - 40 percent among white voters, compared to 49 - 42 percent last month. He also leads 65 - 25 percent among white Evangelical Christians, up from 61 - 29 percent. But Obama leads 53 - 39 percent among women, compared to 55 - 36 percent last month, and 94 - 4 percent among black voters.

The Democrat leads 55 - 36 percent among voters 18 to 34 years old, compared to 63 - 31 percent last month. Obama's strength among voters 35 to 54 is up from 48 - 44 percent to 49 - 41 percent. McCain leads 47 - 40 percent among voters over 55, compared to a 45 - 44 percent split July 15.
McCain may still be trailing but he is making significant inroads among Obama core constituencies. McCain may lose the women's vote. But if he can narrow that gap a little further, it will hurt Obama significantly. The same holds true with younger voters. The closer McCain can get with those voters, the less chance Obama has to be able to fashion a winning coalition.

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