Pakistani ISI Fingered in Kabul Embassy Bombing

This will not help relations between India and Pakistan - two nuclear powers already engaged in a low level war over the ownership of Kashmir:

American intelligence agencies have concluded that members of Pakistan's powerful spy service helped plan the deadly July 7 bombing of India's embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, according to United States government officials.

The conclusion was based on intercepted communications between Pakistani intelligence officers and militants who carried out the attack, the officials said, providing the clearest evidence to date that Pakistani intelligence officers are actively undermining American efforts to combat militants in the region.

The American officials also said there was new information showing that members of the Pakistani intelligence service were increasingly providing militants with details about the American campaign against them, in some cases allowing militants to avoid American missile strikes in Pakistan's tribal areas.

Not only will this put a strain on relations with India, it won't help the US-Pakistan "friendship" either. It is getting very difficult for our State Department to continue their efforts at building a relationship with the new government when a faction in that government wants to kill Americans and throw a monkey wrench into our efforts to help Afghanistan fight off these thugs and terrorists.

A day of reckoning is coming with Pakistan where they are going to be confronted with a choice; rein in the ISI and their support for terrorists or suffer the consequences of our attacks in the tribal areas where the Taliban and al-Qaeda operate with impunity.

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