AP's 'Racists May Cost Obama the Election' Piece

In one of his usual rapier-tipped analyses, Steve Gilbert notes of the AP article suggesting racists may cost Obama the election:

Translation: AP asked a handful of people a series of vague questions that could be massaged by armchair psychologists into proving that (white) US voters are racist.

And all of this science was buttressed by "subtler" techniques - also known as "divination" or "guessing." 

By the way, there is still no word from the AP as to whether black voters, who are predicted to be voting for Mr. Obama at the rate of 99%, are racist.

Indeed, this is the same AP who (like the rest of our watchdog media) who first ignored and then whitewashed the racist views of Mr. Obama's spiritual mentor and his church for more than 20 years.

Steve  documents the campaign contributions of the Network that dreamed up the poll which indicate they are all Democrats and asks what sort of person would participate in a 34 pp online poll anyway?

From now through the election, it would probably be a good idea (and a major time saver) to ignore any and all AP election stories.
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