Chains We Can Believe In

Okommissars dour crave total power,

An iron hand to rule this nation,

Not to debate but incarcerate

Those guilty of deviation.

You'll have no role in thought control,

No matter whom you do know.

They'll ship your butt to an icy hut,

In a camp far north of Juneau. 

We heard it well from stern Michelle,

What The Great One will require:

Without reserve we will all serve,

Or face the Okommissars' ire.

You will submit, you'll take the bit;

The Okommissariat guides your brains.

You'll volunteer, by force or fear;

You will accept these chains.

We hear Dem czars, the Okommissars,

Are planning state prosecutions;

For all of those, they now oppose,

They're preparing stern solutions.

Vice-Okommissar Joe has said it's so

There‘ll be charges for those leavin';

So those ending reigns will go in chains

Those are chains you can believe in.

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