Iran: 50-60 Tons of Enriched Uranium 'Disappears'

Enough enriched uranium to make 5-6 nuclear bombs has 'disappeared' from the Iranian enrichment plant at Isfahan. This according to Con Coughlin of the Daily Telegraph of London. This is according to IAEA inspectors at the plant. 

According to Cosmos Magazine,

"Little Boy, the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, used 64.1 kgs of enriched uranium. Atomic bombs can also be built using less uranium, down to around 15 to 25 kgs of material, according to experts." 

What would Obama do about it if he gets elected in two months? Judging by other Democrat administrations like Clinton and Carter, the answer is: Nothing. The next time Charlie Gibson of ABC News does a major headline interview with Senator Obama or his Veep pick, it would be a good question to ask. If I may be so bold.

What would John McCain do about it? Judging by the two Bush administrations, the answer is: Something. Bush I stopped Saddam Hussein's occupation of Kuwait. Bush II knocked out Saddam and Al Qaida in Iraq and Afghanistan. Although we don't see a complete knockout blow yet.

Israel is threatened by Ahmadinejad every week in the most wretched and nauseating terms. Mr. A'jad will come to New York soon to peddle more propaganda to our Left. The Europeans are just wasting time, as usual. The Russians have declared themselves by invading Georgia and supplying Iran with uranium for the Bushehr reactor, 50 miles from Saudi Arabia. The United States, as usual, is quietly doing constructive things, like getting effective anti-missile defenses into place in the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Eastern Mediterranean. But the most advanced defensive systems have not been used under actual war conditions, so nobody knows how they will stack up against Iran.

Things can only go downhill from here. Whether they will get to the point of nuclear war nobody knows. UF6 can be used to make mass-killing dirty bombs as well as nuclear explosions.

The Israelis are the tip of the Western spear. They are the most directly endangered, but they are also reluctant to act, lest they provoke a dirty bomb attack in their tiny land area through Hezbollah, which was recently reported to have 40,000 missiles aimed at Israel from Lebanon. That is according to former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, now Defense Minister. 

Iran is a mortal danger to all its neighbors, not just Israel. It is located right at the oil spigot of the industrialized world. Its missiles can now easily reach Europe and the entire Middle East. For thirty years it has expressed the intention to kill Israel and America. (Note to Senator Obama: That's what "Death to Israel! Death to America!" really means.)

Bottom line: Iran has the expressed intention to wage genocidal war for the last thirty years. Today it has the capacity to carry out its intentions. Intention + Capacity = Extreme Danger.

Remember 9/11. We commemorated it yesterday. Don't let the media put you to sleep yet.

The New York Times will talk about this after the election.

The voters can only make their decisions before that.

Who do you want to be in the White House on January 20, 2009?

James Lewis occasionally blogs at
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