Is Sarah Palin really a woman?

Contrary to all the pictures -- which I admit, make it look just as if Governor Palin is a woman -- I need to raise this urgent question for our friends on the Left.

We have been told by black authority Toni Morrison that Bill Clinton was our first black president, and that Justice Clarence Thomas is not black but really white.

We have finally figured out, with a lot of mind-bending help from Democrats all over the country, that Senator Obama is not -- repeat not -- half-white, nor half-Kenyan, nor Indonesian, nor Hawaiian,  but is really, honestly black.

Although the Rev. Al protested, he ain't black like me! 

Not only that, Senator Obama has taught us all that babies who are born alive by mistake because the abortionist just blows it are not, repeat not, real babies. So it's ok to reverse them back into fetuses and liquidate them, as per specs.

It takes an unusually fine legal mind to understand these things.

Terri Schiavo, who even CBS News now admits may have been conscious when she was starved to death, was not a living person. Everybody on the Left agreed  

But Down Syndrome babies like Sarah Palin's son Trig are not real persons either -- unless of course they are.

It all depends. 

You see my problem. In her high school yearbook photo Sarah Palin looks like a really pretty girl  But appearances are deceiving. In Alaska, where little children aren't taught about transgendered identities  Sarah probably didn't get a real choice about her socially conditioned gender identity

San Francisco children are better off, thank heavens, and can choose whatever they would like to be -- M, F, gay, lesbian, trans or bi.  Or they could even make up a whole new gender, or just switch back and forth, depending on the whim of the moment. I mean, who really knows?

The feminist blog site  tells it like it is:

"After doing some research on this woman whom I've never even heard of before it became abundantly clear-Not only is Sarah Palin not a feminist, she is as anti-woman as Bush and McCain combined. That is the reason why McCain picked her; not because she is a woman and he wanted to be underhanded (which he totally did,) but because she's a Republican, conservative man who just happens to be in a woman's body."  (italics added)

I knew it, I just knew it.

Darn, there goes the women's vote.

James Lewis blogs at
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