New Scientist: Sea Ice Increases Due to Global Warming

You gotta hand it to the global warming crowd. They have mind-bending gall.

New Scientist, which used to be a good pop science magazine, now quotes a NASA scientist saying:

"The Antarctic wintertime ice extent a rate of 0.6% per decade" from 1979 to 2006, says Donald Cavalieri, a senior research scientist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.   ... Since 1979 ... the average year-round ice extent has risen too."

Let's see, that would be 27 years, so a total increase of about 2.0% in the extent of sea ice in the Antarctic. That's a lot of frozen daiquiris. 

Millions of tons of increased ice in the Antarctic sounds colder rather than warmer, no?

But the Eye of Gaia has a different way of spinning these facts. New Scientist begins the article with:

"The amount of sea ice around Antarctica has grown in recent Septembers in what could be an unusual side-effect of global warming, experts say." 

You see, when it gets hotter it proves global warming. And when it gets colder it also proves global warming.

They get you coming and going.

And these people think creationism is unscientific?

Don't they ever feel embarassed? And why are all the other scientists in the world not rolling on the floor laughing at these silly twits?

James Lewis occasionally blogs at

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