Obama campaign stoking racial hatred

What follows is definitive proof that much of America is poised to elect a divisive, juvenile, and deceitful candidate for president.  In the Friday, Sept. 19 edition of the Wall Street Journal Rush Limbaugh exposes a frightening example of the Obama campaign's willingness to stoke racial antagonisms and treat Hispanic voters like dupes in the process.

Rush informs us in his essay that the Obama campaign has been circulating a commercial on Spanish-language television that includes the following message to Hispanic voters:

"They want us to forget the insults we've put up with . . . the intolerance . . . they made us feel marginalized in this country we love so much."

Immediately after this wonderful attempt to create racial unity the Obama commercial highlights two quotations from Rush:
"... stupid and unskilled Mexicans. . ." 

"You shut your mouth or you get out!"

It turns out however that both of these quotations were taken deceitfully out of context.  In the first quotation, Rush was mocking, back in 1993, the arguments against NAFTA.  Rush was assuming the collective voice of the anti-NAFTA crowd and showing how many of their arguments were, in Rush's words, "demeaning workers, particularly low-skilled workers."

In the second quotation, Rush was criticizing the Mexican government's double standard concerning their border control policies: extreme restrictions and controls on their southern border with Guatemala but pushing an open borders policy with their northern neighbor America.  In short, Rush said, from the Mexican government's perspective if you're a foreigner in Mexico and you want Bill of Rights style freedoms "you shut your mouth or get out!"

To pull off such a vindictive and adolescent fraud like this the Obama campaign had to assume that the "typical" Hispanic voter couldn't reason or think critically.  If anything is "typical" here it is that "Mr. Unity" and his followers are as contemptuous of the common working man and woman as all elites have been, past and present.
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