Biden said to ban another TV station (with video)

Tough questions mean no further access. Only lapdogs get acces.

This time it is close to home: KYW TV, channel 3 in Philadelphia,  a station serving Wilmington, DE, to which Biden famously commutes to every night while in the Senate. Joe just doesn't like tough questions. Journalists: take note of what awaits under an Obama presidency.

Hat tip: Susan L.

Update: The Los Angeles Times understands the mesages being sent by Obama/Biden, and is refusing to release the videotape it has of Obama attending a function honoring Rashid Khalidi, former spokesman for Yasser Araft, at which anti-Israel poetry was read.  Little Green Footballs publishes a letter sent by the LAT to a reader demanding release of the tape:

From: Readers Rep
Date: Monday, October 27, 2008 16:14
Subject: RE: Not read: The L.A. Times Suppressing Obama’s Khalidi Bash Tape?
The Times did write about the tape, so I’m not sure what you mean aboutsuppressing the video or information from the video. Here is a copy of the report about the video.
Thanks again for writing,
Jamie Gold
Readers’ Representative
If that is the case, then release the video that you have of the event and don’t merely report it. Why is the Los Angeles Times sitting on a videotape of the 2003 farewell bash in Chicago at which Barack Obama lavished praise on the guest of honor, Rashid Khalidi - former mouthpiece for master terrorist Yasser Arafat?
Thanks for your note back.  It sounds as if you don’t find “mere reporting” to be enough, but The Times is not suppressing anything.
Just the opposite — the L.A. Times brought the matter to light.   
Thanks again for taking the time to write.
Jamie Gold
Readers’ Representative

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