Memo to McCain campaign

Lee Cary offers some advice to the McCain campaign: name key members of his future administration now, particularly those who will handle financial affairs. From the Canada Free Press:

 McCain can't establish his credentials as a reformer if he's not a fighter.  Teddy Roosevelt is his hero, but he's acting more like Mr. Rogers, afraid to offend anyone in his Congressional neighborhood.

As McCain names those primarily responsible for the Mae-Mac fiasco, he should also begin identifying who his key advisors will be.

Adults know that the presidency isn't a person, it's a bureaucracy. Any effective presidency is dependent on competent key people. So, who will be the key members of a McCain administration's bureaucracy?

Start with the key person of the moment?  Have him name his choice for Secretary of the Treasury.

McCain said he'd fire Cox.  Fine. Draw and quarter Cox. We couldn't care less out here! Who does McCain propose to put in the key fiscal positions?  Tell us now, and tell us soon.  How about Mitt Romney.  He understands the markets and bailouted the Olympics once.

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