Obama and McCain Both For Bailout

The Senate voted for the bailout by 74-25 .  Both Barack Obama and John McCain voted FOR the bailout.  The bailout was also strongly supported by President Bush.

Why do we have a Republican Party?

There is only so much Sarah Palin can make up for.  I'm sick and tired of McCain and his bipartisan moves.  If we want Democratic policy, we'll vote for Democrats.  When McCain picked Palin, he rose in the polls.  When he sounded like a Democrat, blaming "greed" and corporations for the financial crisis instead of Democrats, he fell in the polls.  Why is it so hard to get that point through Republican skulls?  Act like Republicans and you win!

Bill Clinton has been sounding more Republican than Republicans lately.  In fact, he governed more Republican than Republicans.

I'm back to undecided, leaning toward Bob Barr.  Sorry.  John McCain was handed the chance to act like a leader with this financial crisis, and he fell right in with the Democrats' line that it was all due to greed and free markets and we need a trillion dollars of taxpayers' money to save us.  (But earmarks are bad, trust me.)

Conservatives have no home.  It might just be better to get our Marxism hard and pure so at least we know what we are dealing with.
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