Radio reporter fired for wearing Obama tee-shirt

At least one mainstream media outlet has some semblance of sense. Detroit newsradio station WWJ (950 AM) fired Karen Dinkins Monday after it was discovered that Dinkins covered an Obama rally at the Detroit Public Library the day before while wearing an Obama t-shirt.  

Normally WWJ's action shouldn't cause a ripple. But in this era of mainstream network and cable news outlets dropping all pretense at objectivity -- up to and including a vice-presidential debate being "moderated" by a media member with a vested financial interest in the outcome of the election - it is refreshing to hear of at least one news organization taking seriously the code of ethics about which most journalists prattle incessantly.  

On the other hand, Dinkins at least had the courage of her convictions that people like Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann cannot muster.

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