The Constitutional Safeguard

After reading about the numerous and widespread accusations of voter fraud being engaged by ACORN in this election I started thinking if Obama does manage to pull this off it still isn't quite over.

Our Founding Fathers weren't stupid, in their brilliance; they left us one last safety valve,

Yes, the Electoral College.

How many disgruntled Hillary delegates will be voting when the Electoral College meets December 15th? Will any of them see voting for McCain as doing the right thing?

Oh yes there would be riots, the media would go ballistic and cry foul. 

But, if the enough electoral votes were to switch and give it to McCain, at least he would have won by the rules of the Constitution

This is certainly a fantasy on my part, but it is not completely implausible.  I have seen the video tape of Hillary supporters complaining about Texas and Iowa and those that were locked out.

There are numerous fraud complaints against ACORN and the mysteries of Obama's fundraising  have made this election almost a farce already. 

If you think the crazies were PO'd when Bush won try one out this fantasy.
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