A gruesome reminder on the anniversary of Kristallnacht

Exactly seventy years ago, from November 9-11, 1938, a pogrom against Jews in Germany and Austria began when Jewish stores and businesses were attacked by Nazi Stormtroopers, other Nazi party members and civilians, killing about 2500 Jews. 

It is known as Kristallnacht, "The Night of the Broken Glass" because of all the broken windows. The public Nazi extermination of the Jews began.

 Ironically, on this 70th remembrance

German newspaper Bild published never-before-seen architectural plans of the Auschwitz extermination camp on Saturday that reveal, in their unequivocally marked sections, that everyone involved in the operation of Auschwitz knew full well that it was intended for the systematic extermination of human beings, the paper said.

Rick Moran adds:

Kristallnacht proved the culpability of German business in the Holocaust when the insurance giants came running to Goering claiming they couldn't afford to pay on all the claims from Jewish shopkeepers who had their windows broken.

Goering's solution was gruesomely typical; the insurance companies would pay 30 cents on the dollar which the German government would seize as "reparations." When the companies complained Goering told them that they were getting a gift, claiming they were getting 70 cents that they otherwise wouldn't have seen.

It was not the first time that German business colluded with Hitler's government. And it wouldn't be the last.

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