Alaska t-shirt causes problem with voting in Houston

In an apparent case of Palin Derangement Syndrome, a poll worker in tried to prevent a voter wearing an Alaska t-shirt from voting, because it constituted "campaign paraphernalia," which is banned from polling places. Jennifer Latson of the Houston Chronicle reports that Ginger Hurley had vacationed in Alaska and picked up a t-shirt among other souvenirs.

Hurley, who votes in every election, is familiar with poll site etiquette. She knows not to wear campaign paraphernalia. She's never run into trouble before.

What, she asked, was wrong with her light blue cotton T-shirt, emblazoned with a moose head, fishing poles, and the words "Seward, Alaska"?

The word "Alaska," a poll worker answered.

"She said it could be misconstrued as support for a candidate," Hurley said.

Fortunately, Hurley sought the precinct judge, who let her vote with no deliberation.

Only a feverish mind, obsessed with hatred of Sarah Palin, could imagine that a state name is associated solely with one person and constitutes campaign paraphernalia.
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