Al-Qaida calls Obama 'House Negro'

When millions of Americans as well as billions of people world-wide woke up the morning after Barack Obama was elected President, they probably expected the dawn of a new age. Sorry to disappoint all you Obama-kool-aid drinkers, but America's enemies still hate us and do so regardless who occupies the White House.

This morning our friends from Al-Qaida
posted a message

 on militant websites aimed at persuading Arabs and Muslims to not believe that Obama's election will change U.S. policies. While I have sounded the alarm bell that an Obama Presidency will weaken America and be detrimental to the State of Israel, my argument that our enemies hate us because of our freedom and tolerance, regardless of our leadership and policies, stands proven.

If Islamofacists had any goal besides destroying America and the Western World, they surely would have embraced Obama's opposition to the war, determination to remove our troops in Iraq and his sympathy for the Palestinians. Instead they decide to insult him with racial epithets, calling him a "House Slave" in Arabic and referring to him as a "House Negro" in the video subtitles.

For decades I have come across so-called Progressives who claim that if America didn't support Israel there would be no Islamic threat toward the United States. They believe 9/11 would have never happened and Jewish control caused the war in Iraq. On the surface and to the laymen-thinking it's a rational argument. However Israel as well as America and other western nations having any presence in the Middle East are just an excuse and rallying cry for murder.

The undeniable truth is that they hate us for who we are. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and every belief system on earth living side by side in America. Women are educated, while at the same time we don't systematically torture and murder homosexuals. Our freedom and our tolerance is why they wish death upon us.

These fundamentalists will soon have a President who I fear will drop our defenses and offer these murderers legitimacy by granting them a seat at a discussion table. Its bad enough Columbia University does it; I fear the White House will soon do it as well.

President-elect Obama, please take note to what has just occurred. You are not even President yet and they have offended you with a vile racist attack. They have no interest in peace and are looking at history and recalling how Leonid Brezhnev and the Soviet Union walked all over Jimmy Carter. Please prove me wrong and that you will not be
Jimmy Carter's Second Term.

As my soon to be President, I also take offense to what they have called you. I only hope you do as well.

Paul Miller is a writer; consultant and activist dedicated to issues concerning Israel, limited government and free market ideas. You can read his opinions at
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