Lieberman keeps Homeland Security chair

The huge bang you just heard was all those liberal blogger's heads exploding as Kos and his acolytes are going to be spitting mad at the news that their number one Democratic target, Joe Lieberman, will get to keep his position as Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee:

After months of acrimony between him and his former party, Democrats ultimately decided that taking away Lieberman's gavel would give Republicans an extra vote next Congress.

Lieberman instead will lose the chairmanship of a global warming subcomittee on the Environment and Public Works Committee as a rebuke for supporting John McCain and attacking Barack Obama during the presidential campaign.

The vote was 42-13 on the Lieberman resolution.

Not even close. The difference between the liberal netroots and politicians is practicality. Senators don't do what feels good, they do what is best for the party and what will advance their agenda - all the better to help them get re-eelcted.

All that outrage on the liberal side of the blogosphere and all they could muster was 13 votes? Looks like the Kos kids are being left in the dust by the party they worked so hard to make a majority.

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