Mormons Under Fire in California

California's Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has agreed to investigate a complaint against the Mormon Church. A group called "Californians Against Hate" (CAH) filed the complaint about the church's support of Proposition 8 -- the ballot initiative that defined marriage in California as between a man and a woman.

The complaint, filed by Fred Karger the leader of CAH, alleged:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints failed to report money invested to organize phone banks, send out direct mailers, provide transportation to California, mobilize a speakers bureau, send out satellite simulcasts and develop Web sites as well as numerous commercials and video broadcasts.

It has been reported that the FPPC investigates only about 5% of the complaints it receives. Mormons fighting for their belief in the sanctity of traditional marriage and the family are apparently among that 5%.

This investigation is a blatant violation by the State of California of its citizens' First Amendment rights.

This intrusion by the state into the right of any religion to fight for and defend its beliefs in the political arena should offend all lovers of religious liberty.
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